Friday, August 16, 2013

3 days left.

3 days until my final departure from Arkansas.

I'm an emotional guy - sorry ladies but I am. I get it after my mother. She'll cry at a Hallmark commercial and I always laugh at her each time, now some of the tables have turned and I find my self moved by those same commercials - maybe - not really, but I do get teary eyed. 

This week has been filled with thankfulness and words of appreciation and love. As I wind down, pack up the final boxes and load them up I look back at these past two years and take a moment giving God the glory for all of the friends, students and life changing experiences I've had with all of you. 

For some reason in the past few transitions (when it comes to church ministry) had been easy to leave and step right into the next chapter but this time its really bitter sweet and a little tougher than I thought with the NLC crew and some of the relationships I've inquired to love and cherish. When I came to Arkansas I was on a mission, I knew God had called me to serve and lead but I never knew how close and awesome it would be! What turned into what I thought would just be a few months turned into 2 years! We've been family.

I've grown so much while my time here In Arkansas and have soaked up all of what NLC had to offer and I am ready to take what I've experienced and apply it to my next season in ministry. 

Thank you for the laughs, the cries, the challenges, the moments I will never forget. Thank you for accepting me and loving me. Thank you for letting me lead you. Thank you for leading me and pastoring me. Thank you for my first snow fall. The seasons, the fellowships, everything. Thank you.

So within a next few days, as I pack up the last few things from the house, I will be thinking of you. praying for you and making it the best last few days in Arkansas. 

I know that one day we will see each other soon and thank God for social media that keeps us close when we are miles apart! Best wishes to all of you and this next season. May God equip you and lead you to His will and purpose for your life. May He fill your hearts with passion and fan the flame of God's holy fire within in you. Seek His will, run after His calling and watch God's blessing and provision follow you!

Much Love to Everyone!
Joshua Palmer

P.S. If you haven't said good bye - I will be at the first service in NLC.Cabot.  

Thursday, August 8, 2013


After two years in Arkansas, I'm heading EAST!

For the past few months I have been praying and seeking God's direction for an opportunity to help my friends Mike and Ashton Santiago continue a church plan in city of Apex, North Carolina. They are growing healthy and have extended an invitation to direct the areas of worship, production and creative experience within the church.

As many of you know I left Florida 2 years ago to serve one of my best friends in life, August Ortiz and his wife Monica. They took over a youth pastor position at New Life Church in Cabot, AR one of the main campuses of NLC. I stood out in faith leaving everything I knew to pursue the responsibilities and the journey to build up, pour out and serve this next generation.

Towards the beginning of this year I knew that God was going to make a few changes that will begin my next season in life. He was doing the same with August and Monica. Since we all live together, we knew this would affective all of us. They prayed and I prayed and we prayed together, seeking God's direction on our lives.

After much prayer and mentoring it was clear that the time to move was this Fall. August and Monica moving to Colorado Springs and me to Apex, NC. August and Monica will be pursuing of the the desires since they've been married to experience the adventure of marriage and family and I will move on with ministry serving the community of Apex, NC and stretching myself to help with people experience God's presence and power within the church.

Both of these moves have been strategically planned by God, I know that he has specific plans for each of our lives. It's no question that within these seasons are life lessons to be learned that will help us operate in our gifts and callings and fully trust the Lord in His ways.

It's been quite a journey and I've had a blast serving and loving this community, building strong life relationships, serving the church and living life together with best friends who have always been like family to me.

It's bitter sweet, NLC is awesome and God is going to do some amazing things in Cabot but I have to move aside and allow the next leaders to step up carry forth the plans he has for this church, I'll be watching, praying for this family of believers and supporting them from afar! They will always be a part of my life.

As for August & Monica, my family away from family, they will truly be missed. When God called me to Arkansas I knew it was to mainly serve this couple. To pray for them and lift up their arms, to assist, equip and faithfully be by their side. It's not going to be easy watching them leave the drive way but I know this is what God wants and I am excited for their next season and can't wait to see what God will do! We will always be family and our relationship is for life. My love for them is deep, SO I have no doubt we'll be running into each other in the future ;-) for now, it's see you later.

To everyone at NLC, you all have been a blessing to me. I have fallen in love with your hearts. To those that took me in as there own and have been there through the toughest moments, I thank God for you! Shout out to the Westlakes! This family took me in, fed me and loved on me! I cherish their friendship, family and support! To the Bennett Clan! I love y'all! Pastor. James is a real pastor. transparent and loving. His discipleship to me will forever change how I do ministry and life with one another. I am thankful for Him and his family and the representation of true church leaders! Finally, to the Real Life crew and family! Thank you for allowing me to be your youth leader. I am so proud of the many students I've gotten to mentor, lead and watch them grow into the man or woman of God they are becoming. I know God is about to blow the top off Real Life Cabot! Great things are to come, carry the torch, be the light and lead this generation to Jesus! You all are champions and I love all of you very much!

Well, there you have it! I will officially move by the end of this month and head towards Florida for a few weeks with the family before I start my new life in North Carolina. Would you take a few moments and pray for us? Pray that God will provide and open every door that needs to be open and close the doors that need to be shut? Pray for God's protection and favor. We want His will and not ours, we want His ways, for He is the only one that knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper and not harm, plans of Hope and a future!

Thank you for all of your support and love. I hope to be updating you soon from North Carolina giving you all of the details of my new place and community!

Much Love!

Friday, February 8, 2013

I See You.

To whom it may concern,

Today I saw you on Facebook, twitter and among other social networks.
I saw you today with so and so and who's who.
You signed-in, checked out, logged on and logged off.
but I see you.

Today, I saw you break up a friendship, a relationship, a bond.
Flinging phrases and sentences that cut deep and sting, Leaving scars of repeat.

I saw you lonely and confused, angry and unsatisfied.
You lashed out words that spewed acid crippling creating disability.

I saw you today. Instigating and debating about useless subjects that will only fall to the ground and disappear leaving a residue of regret.

I saw your insecurity and pain. Your silent cry for help.
You laugh but its empty and hallow.

I saw you walk by me today, cold and lost.
you smiled but there was no happiness.

I saw you today and I know you.

You see, I know that behind the poison, behind the words, beyond the cold and silence there's hope. A beaming light that breaks through the cracks of the tainted abuse and the abandon dreams.

I see someone else. Peeling back the labels that this world has placed on you. Peeling back the scales that blind you.
I see you stepping forward into the plans that go beyond any social network can reach. Plans that only God can teach.

I see you.You're stepping into what was once deadless dreams into life, truth and reality, You're breaking away from man's society.

You are not what they say you are.You're better. You're stronger. You will succeed and accomplish and failure is not an option.

By Joshua Palmer

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


"For all of God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding "YES!" And through Christ, our "Amen" ascends to God for His Glory." - 1 Corinthians 1:20

Not sure if you ever felt stuck in one season of life but for me I have gone through many seasons feeling this way. Some may call it a "dry" season of life or the "desert" season. Meaning nothing is really producing, there's no freshness, its motionless and life is really not to its fullest.

This season of life is uncomfortable, we get restless and we get anxious to see something, to know something, to hear something and out of desperation we create a mirage. A mirage is something that appears real or possible but it's not. Most mirage's are caused by atmospheric conditions creating optical illusions, usually a mirage appears in a desert when the heat and conditions are at its extreme.

You see at times when the heat of our season gets intense, when we are right in the middle of our dry moments, in the middle of uncomfort, right in the middle of "this is not me" situations, we start to move on God's behalf. We tend to create a plan of action to get us out of what we're in. We create something that is possible and at times can be real but not God's will or plan for our lives. We tend to go back to our normal lives, our sin, our addictions and our habits.

No one likes to be in a place that brings challenge. It's uncomfortable and not easy. It's easier to do things we know and can see.

 I know that for me, I can make things happen when things are not happening. I will find a way to make it happen and do it. Especially when nothing is moving, dry and It's motionless. However I have learned to stop and TRUST Him. To stand on His promises of Yes and Amen. To not force the hand of God and to rest knowing that His promises for my life will be fulfilled. It's in these moments and seasons that I begin to grow in my faith.

So, if you are in that season, be encouraged and keep 1 Corinthians 1:20 close to your heart. Be still and listen closely. Believe me when I say that He will never fail and He will never fail you. He says YES!

A friend of mine gave me a link to His church's website page that list a bunch of biblical promises. Practice speaking them over your life!

Monday, January 21, 2013

10 Things I noticed about Cabot, AR

When I first arrived in Arkansas I wrote 10 things I noticed about Searcy, the city I was currently living in. Well, I noticed that I never wrote a 10 things I notice about Cabot, AR, the city I currently live in. So here it goes. 1. It's closer to church, I live literally 2 mins away. 2. Everything still closes at 9-10pm. However I can still find something to eat if need be past 10p. 3. I live in a beautiful home with awesome friends, married couple. (split floor plan) ;). No more Morgs and Funeral Home business. 4. Everyone is nice here, family town, bedroom community. 5. Everyone still hangs out at Wal-Mart. (There are more options, but people still hang out at wal-mart.) 6. Cabot High is the only High School in Cabot, with about 5k students. In Pinellas County there are about 6-7 high schools. 7. UPGRADE on the movie theater. You can pay with your debit card. phew. But I go to the one in NLR, about 15 minutes away. Reminds me of home PLUS I can use my Regal card!:) 8. Main roads are still fewer than usual, We got Main St and a few others. Still makes traffic horrible at 5p. 9. The Westlakes live here. They have been like a family for me here. I eat most of my dinner's there. 10. Finally, at around NOON on Monday's the tornado alarm will run its testing. That's it folks, hope you enjoyed my top 10 things I notice about Cabot, AR. I really like this town! :)

Feliz Ano Nuevo!

Happy 2013! I have a lot to catch you up on blogger. Well let's start with a new position at work and and a new car! :) God continues to amaze me, His provision and favor has no end. I'm Thankful for His love for me and what He continues to do in me. It was about time to trade in my car, it was at its end and about to literally disenagrate on me. seriously. and for those who are car lovers, I purchased a 2009 Toyota Corolla LE. Deep Red/Maroon color with tan interior and a moon-roof. It rides smooth as butter and of course gas will be extremely cheaper from the Rodeo. I am satisfied and content with my purchase and for a good deal too! :) I am still currently living in Cabot, AR and enjoying my time here. I have built amazing relationships and continue to do life with these wonderful friends. NLC has been such a blessing to me, I am able to fully practice my gifts and learn so much from others. I am truly blessed. We just finished our 21 days of prayer and fasting and God has been moving in all our lives. We've been having amazing worship and prayer nights, His presence has been moving strongly in our church and in us and its catching on to the people of Cabot. His love is greater, His love is deeper and I am thankful for His presence. I am now a full time Patient Access Rep at St. Vincent's Hospital. A new part of the hospital opened up just for heart patients and so I have the privledge to register and assist the families of the patients coming in for heart procedures. I had to convert to an early morning person though, I have to be work at 5a and I have about a 25-30 min drive. You do the math. :) however I have my days and nights. I really enjoy my schedule and I am really blessed to have this job! I've been thinking about continuing my education lately...hmm. :) we'll see. I hope to be doing more blogging and sharing my thoughts this year, so stay tuned! Joshua

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Effective Direction

Tonight as I was preparing for worship and praying for our morning services at New Life Church God spoke to my heart of expecting and preparation for Kingdom work.

I don't have a pastoral degree nor am I a theologian, not even confident I spelled that word correctly. However I believe that God can teach us more than a professor could if we just pray and listen to what He (our teacher) has to say.

I believe that as humans we can get caught up in our own life routine. We fill our schedule up with busyness and appointments, with dates and activities that we can sometimes forget who the driver is suppose to be. Instead we allow these things to drive us.

How many times have I done things without consulting God? We really don't stop to think about it. But how many times have I really stopped and really prayed about it?. Honestly. Not many.

It becomes 2nd nature to us to think, "maybe this is what God wants" or Is "doing" but we really haven't taken the time out of our self driven lives to hear God out. We allow ourselves to do it on our own.

Perhaps if we stopped for a few minutes we may hear the heart of God. Perhaps if we let God in the front seat he can give us more effective direction.

I want to be a man of prayer, a man that goes after God's heart. I want to be a person that will allow God to be the center of it all, in every aspect of my life. I want to pray and seek after the things I do more so that it can be fully effective and backed up by God.

I have seen what God can do if we just allow Him to go first. I want more of that. In fact, I want all of it to be that way.
I'm tired of doing it on my own.

I can't do things glass half full anymore. I must allow God to fill me up so that I can work out of the overflow. We can not work out of emptiness any more. We must constantly pray, seek and listen so that our vessels can overflow and the Kingdom work can be truly effective.